
Spiritual awakening for skeptics

Psi is what the cool kids call extrasensory perception. Well it’s what I call ESP or psychic gifts… when I’m feeling cool.

Psi blog.

I write about psi when I get irritated with all the bullshit out there. Managing and interpreting psychic phenomena is unmistakably a part of a spiritual awakening, but it should never be mistaken for the end-goal.

Any zen master worth their salt will tell you to ignore the psychic stuff and focus on the real deal. And they’d be right because misusing or hyper-focusing on psychic abilities can halt spiritual progression.

If you have abilities I recommend using them to wake up even faster!

‘Rax oha tal.'

Translation. ‘When you receive this it will remind you that I long to see your face and touch your hand, for the comfort of it and the peace.’

It is swifter than waking thought; for thought is not thought at all, but only a vague and formless fog until it is articulated into words.

— Mark Twain, My Dream Sweetheart

Psi resources.

I really struggled to control my psi abilities. I was a rationalist and a Western doctor when they suddenly manifested at age 30. Strong gifts can be disabling, especially for those of us doing our best to survive in environments that don’t accept psychic phenomena. These authors saved my life.