
Spiritual awakening for skeptics

Kundalini is the bioenergy of awakening. There is no difference between body and mind. Kundalini will permanently change both.

Kundalini blog.

I write about kundalini often (sometimes bitch and moan lets be honest.) It’s not the only thing I write about, nor the only path up the mountain, but it’s a big part of my life. My spiritual journey started with an abrupt kundalini awakening and it’s been active ever since. Managing my kundalini experience with… *panache* is my main focus and has been for the last 10 years.

I also have no interest in the popular culture idea that kundalini can be triggered or given, or bought or sold in some fashion. That’s as ludicrous and disrespectful as claiming the right to direct a volcano when to erupt or tell someone when puberty will start. It happens when it happens, its not meant to be prematurely awakened, and it’s not a party trick.

Kundalini can be a very rough ride and lead to mental and physical illness if someone isn’t truly prepared. A true master would never recommend kundalini as the starting point to a spiritual journey because it is always part of the ending point. There are safer places to start, but if your’e already here I’ll do my best to help you finish safely.

Little did I realize that from that day onwards I was never to be my old normal self again, that I had unwittingly and without preparation or even adequate knowledge of it roused to activity the most wonderful and stern power in man, that I had stepped unknowingly upon the key to the most guarded secret of the ancients, and that thenceforth for a long time I had to live suspended by a thread, swinging between life on the one hand and death on the other, between sanity and insanity, between light and darkness, between heaven and earth.

— Gopi Krishna, The Evolutionary Impulse in Man

Kundalini resources.

Better content has been written on the topic of kundalini by other authors. I can only write about my experience which is consistent with other reports.

If your kundalini is active you will need these resources. If you’re trying to activate your kundalini you need to find another website. As I said above, kundalini is not a party trick and can’t be successfully forced. It is better to study zen, or yoga if you want to find a practice that can predictably and safely wake you up.