Book of Job - King James Bible
A historically accessible, and pretty accurate depiction of a spiritual awakening.
The Flight of the Eagle - Jiddu Krishnamurti
Krishnamurti is an essential reference for anyone interested in meditation, metacognition, or just good writing. Love him.
Make The Most Of Your Mind - Tony Buzan
Psi ability is a natural extension of mental fittness. Tony Buzan did a great job at rewiring the assumption that IQ is hardware vs software.
Maxfield Parrish - Coy Ludwig
Maxfield Parrish has artwork that is really otherworldly beautiful. It looks like what I see in this world with my psi senses.
A Course in Miracles - Helen Schucman
Shucman describes in clear and kind terms the use of the human lifetime to progress through spiritual curriculum.
Stormy Search for the Self - Stanislav & Christina Grof
Stanislav and Christina Groff have done an excellent job of educating people on how to navigate fracturing of the psyche during a spiritual awakening.
You're a badass - Jen Sincero
Start rewiring subconscious limiting beliefs, and attitude. Jen is easy to model, easy to follow, and very comforting.
Uplift War - David Brin
An almost perfect description in story of what it’s like to communicate with spirit as a psychic or medium.
The Art of Deception - Nicholas Capaldi
I am not in any way suggesting you practice deception. This book is a vaccination, a de-wormer if you will.
Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment - John White
This is an excellent compilation of authors who truly know about kundalini — and a few who do not. Good info, but read with discernment.
Zen in the Art of Archery - Eugene Herrigel
Eugene Herrigel wrote a very lovely book on zen which has the property of being accessible at any level of the spiritual journey.
Proof of Heaven - Eben Alexander
Dr. Eben Alexander’s personal account of spiritual awakening through an NDE is written specifically for a skeptical medical audience.
The Kundalini Guide - Bonnie Greenwell
Bonnie Greenwell is a social scientist who did her Ph.D. on kundalini experiences. Very accessible work to a Western scientist.
Managing psychic abilities - Mary Mueller Shutan
Mary Shutan is the sanest and most informed voice I have found discussing the care and utilization of strong psychic abilities.
The Personal Aura - Dora van Gelder Kunz
Dora Kunz clearly describes auras as reflecting people’s ability to translate spiritual goals into the real world.
Living with Kundalini - Gopi Krisha
Gopi Krishna documented his kundalini experience very rigourously - the authoritative work on the subject for a skeptic.
Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnest Thing - Jed McKenna
McKenna’s writing is based on the Zen Buddhist tradition but he writes in a form and syntax that is very accessible to Westerners.
The Essential Rumi - Jalal al-Din Rumi
Rumi was not only awakened, but he also described this state with whimsy and compassion in both poetry and dance. His words bleed love and one does not need to be a spiritual student to appreciate their beauty.
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism - Chögyam Trungpa
An excellent book that is essential to ground an inflated ego at some point in the awakening. I wish I’d read it earlier than I did but c'est la vie.