Spiritual awakening for skeptics
I aim to bridge a skeptical Western mindset and more advanced spiritual education. Please consider other great sources as well.
I was a total bookworm when I was a kid so I still process most of my spiritual education through electronic, written, or audible books. I have found these authors to be accurate and helpful for at least a portion of my journey.
You’ll find quite a smorgasbord from the very wu-wu to the completely scientific. I’ve moved fiction books into here too if they tell archetypal truths. I hope you enjoy the voices of these guides as much as I did.
This book is very clear and kind, about how to pick an embodied teacher, and how not to proclaim yourself one prematurely.
This book is an experiential method for healing your relationship to money. This work can be painful, and Honda is truly gentle.
Covey’s classic is a great secular read that gives clear descriptions of a Westernized practice corresponding to the 8 limbs of yoga.
A deceptively simple classic to describe the divine masculine. How men express balanced power.
Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner examine research on people who are better than experts at predicting the future.
Dolores Cannon is a well-known hypnotist who faithfully transcribed her sessions with her clients. Read with discernment.
Robert Anton Wilson does a good job of discussing subconscious wiring and archetypes — read with discernment.
John M. Gottman, PhD writes about the scientific evidence on creating and maintaining healthy relationships.
Daniel Kahneman, PhD discusses the twinned use of logical and intuitive thought.
Adiamante is an excellent description of how a higher-consciousness society might choose to live.
Hypnosis and research to remove subconscious limiting beliefs about happiness. Very comforting.
Richard Feynman is a physicist who worked on the atom bomb. I particularly like his science writing.
Krishnamurti is an essential reference for anyone interested in meditation, metacognition, or just good writing. Love him.
Psi ability is a natural extension of mental fittness. Tony Buzan did a great job at rewiring the assumption that IQ is hardware vs software.
Maxfield Parrish has artwork that is really otherworldly beautiful. It looks like what I see in this world with my psi senses.
Shucman describes in clear and kind terms the use of the human lifetime to progress through spiritual curriculum.
Stanislav and Christina Groff have done an excellent job of educating people on how to navigate fracturing of the psyche during a spiritual awakening.
Start rewiring subconscious limiting beliefs, and attitude. Jen is easy to model, easy to follow, and very comforting.
I am not in any way suggesting you practice deception. This book is a vaccination, a de-wormer if you will.
Scientific papers.
The scientific research papers and books below are in two classes:
Scientists discussing their own spiritual awakenings
Scientists discussing spiritual truths in a way a non-spiritual person (i.e. agnostic or atheist) could accept.
In general the scientific topics are logic, skepticism, physics, positive psychology, and/or emotional intelligence and they lay an important groundwork and stabilizing corollary for a spiritual awakening in a skeptic.
I have also included hard-science papers which delineate logical gaps in epistemological knowing or shed reasonable doubt on currently acceptable medical and psychological theories.
Letter in Nature from Stanford describing psychic senses and rebuttal from New Zealand saying the results weren’t reproducible.
A 1998 paper from Nature providing evidence for the quantum theory supposition that observation affects reality.
For a scientist on a spiritual path, learning to declutter the mind is different than other professions because you use the mind to work.
Websites & blogs.
I’m so goddam grateful for these guys. Seriously, I never would have made it through if it wasn’t for the wise words from these men and women who came at the exact right time and place. It’s probably why I created a blog instead of writing a book. My beloved interweb has been a true respite ever since I stumbled on it in my — increasingly remote — adolescence. I will say there were more websites, you’ll find the right words at the right time, but I’m only including the ones that followed me through my entire journey and I would still recommend to beginners or adepts.
Kasia teaches women how to unlock their power in a balanced way. By unwiring subconscious programming.
Spiritual emergence network is a good resource for someone in spiritual emergency who needs to access savvy mental-health services.
Craig is a great resource for anyone experiencing a true kundalini awakening. He’s an embodied teacher, has a great website, and his videos are dope :)
I only ever recommend one psychic to people. Kjarlune Rae is very helpful, and she understands where psi ends and common sense and emotional intelligence begins.
Great website disseminating the work of psychiatrist Dr. Murray Bowen on family systems theory.
This is a fantastic resource for sensitives by Mary Mueller Shutan. She has a very balanced, feminine perspective on awakening.
The Happy Sensitive is a lovely website for empaths by Caroline van Kimmenade. It helped me out of extreme crisis and gave me basic coping skills.
Film & television.
At certain points in my awakening movies, film, and television helped me in ways that books couldn’t. Apprehending story, myth, and archetype is necessary to progress beyond a cursory reductionist understanding of the world. This is because humans exist and progress in nonlinear, archetypal, and fractal patterns.
Tricia Barker describes her near-death experience, and residual effects of psychic abilities and medianship.
Daniel Goleman discusses how we feel compassion, and how the experience can be enhanced.
Tiffany Watt Smith discusses sociocultural context for human emotions.
Alain de Botton discusses success and how we can approach it more gently and lucidly.
Craig talks about kundalini symptoms and how they differ from other energies.
No discussion of modern spirituality would be complete without a reference to Star Wars although its really only a pop-culture version of real spirituality.
A very powerful song for emotional release and cord-cutting.