The relationship Cure - John Gottman

In The Relationship Cure John M. Gottman, PhD discusses groundbreaking scientific evidence on healthy relationships.

I highly recommend this book because its accessible to a very wide audience. Hard-science brains (love you Aspie types) are likely to find actionable relationship advice and pragmatic evidence for the soft stuff. The watery emotional types are likely to find validation for intuitive relationship decisions. Scientists can use it as much as the most wu wu of my friends. Good stuff.

I want to point out that good relationships, what A Course In Miracles calls ‘holy relationships’ are the same. No difference between a spouse, a stranger, or your Aunt Edna. So this book works for any relationship exactly because it is true.

Gottman has other fantastic work on marriage in particular but its the same principles.


The history of human emotions — Tiffany Watt Smith


Thinking, fast and slow - Daniel Kahneman