The history of human emotions — Tiffany Watt Smith
Tiffany Watt Smith discusses sociocultural context for human emotions.
The relationship Cure - John Gottman
John M. Gottman, PhD writes about the scientific evidence on creating and maintaining healthy relationships.
Thinking, fast and slow - Daniel Kahneman
Daniel Kahneman, PhD discusses the twinned use of logical and intuitive thought.
The neurons that shaped civilization — Vilayanur Ramachandran
Vilayanur Ramachandran discusses scientific evidence for mirror neurons and empathy.
Adiamante - L. E. Modesitt Jr.
Adiamante is an excellent description of how a higher-consciousness society might choose to live.
I can make you happy - Paul McKenna
Hypnosis and research to remove subconscious limiting beliefs about happiness. Very comforting.
Man’s Search for Meaning - Victor Frankl
Viktor Frankl was in a concentration camp when he developed this book. A crucial voice in any discussion of modern spirituality.
Presentation: Alain de Botton — A kinder gentler philosophy of success
Alain de Botton discusses success and how we can approach it more gently and lucidly.
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out - Richard Feynman
Richard Feynman is a physicist who worked on the atom bomb. I particularly like his science writing.
Craig Holliday
Craig is a great resource for anyone experiencing a true kundalini awakening. He’s an embodied teacher, has a great website, and his videos are dope :)
Kundalini awakening symptoms — Craig Holliday
Craig talks about kundalini symptoms and how they differ from other energies.
The brain in love — Helen Fischer
Helen Fischer describes the scientific evidence for romantic love.
Book of Job - King James Bible
A historically accessible, and pretty accurate depiction of a spiritual awakening.
The Flight of the Eagle - Jiddu Krishnamurti
Krishnamurti is an essential reference for anyone interested in meditation, metacognition, or just good writing. Love him.
Make The Most Of Your Mind - Tony Buzan
Psi ability is a natural extension of mental fittness. Tony Buzan did a great job at rewiring the assumption that IQ is hardware vs software.
The Concept of Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
The life work of psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is on the positive psychology concept of ‘flow”.
Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi talks about his life’s work on finding and accessing higher consciousness states.
Star Wars - George Lucas
No discussion of modern spirituality would be complete without a reference to Star Wars although its really only a pop-culture version of real spirituality.
Maxfield Parrish - Coy Ludwig
Maxfield Parrish has artwork that is really otherworldly beautiful. It looks like what I see in this world with my psi senses.
Ask KJ - Kjarlune Rae
I only ever recommend one psychic to people. Kjarlune Rae is very helpful, and she understands where psi ends and common sense and emotional intelligence begins.