Near-death experience — Tricia Barker
Tricia Barker describes her near-death experience, and residual effects of psychic abilities and medianship.
Mantis describes empath abilites — Guardians of the Galaxy
Mantis character in Guardians of the Galaxy descripting and demonstrating empath abilities.
Why aren’t we more compassionate — Daniel Goleman
Daniel Goleman discusses how we feel compassion, and how the experience can be enhanced.
The history of human emotions — Tiffany Watt Smith
Tiffany Watt Smith discusses sociocultural context for human emotions.
The neurons that shaped civilization — Vilayanur Ramachandran
Vilayanur Ramachandran discusses scientific evidence for mirror neurons and empathy.
Presentation: Alain de Botton — A kinder gentler philosophy of success
Alain de Botton discusses success and how we can approach it more gently and lucidly.
Kundalini awakening symptoms — Craig Holliday
Craig talks about kundalini symptoms and how they differ from other energies.
The brain in love — Helen Fischer
Helen Fischer describes the scientific evidence for romantic love.
Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi talks about his life’s work on finding and accessing higher consciousness states.
Star Wars - George Lucas
No discussion of modern spirituality would be complete without a reference to Star Wars although its really only a pop-culture version of real spirituality.
Interview: Chris Langan & Spike Jonze
Chris Langan describes samadhi experience, as the pragmatic end-result of scientific endeavor.
One (feat. U2) - Mary J. Blige
A very powerful song for emotional release and cord-cutting.
Dollhouse - Joss Whedon
The basic premise of Dollhouse is an interesting version of reincarnation and a lot of the storyline explores this premise in a safe fictionalized space.
Agents of Sheild - Joss Whedon
The storyline of the Framework details different awakening styles and what is required for a spiritual awakening.