The Complete Cord Course — Mary Shutan
This book is to maintain energetic attachments which is invaluable to people who are sensitive.
Working With Kundalini — Mary Shutan
Mary Shutan’s kundalini book is very specific and accurate for advanced stages of permenant kundalini awakening.
Spiritual Emergence Network (SEN)
Spiritual emergence network is a good resource for someone in spiritual emergency who needs to access savvy mental-health services.
Shaman, healers, and medicine men - Holger Kalweit
Holger Kalweit wrote a respectful and careful anthropological text to describe Indigenous healers around the world.
Craig Holliday
Craig is a great resource for anyone experiencing a true kundalini awakening. He’s an embodied teacher, has a great website, and his videos are dope :)
Kundalini awakening symptoms — Craig Holliday
Craig talks about kundalini symptoms and how they differ from other energies.
Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment - John White
This is an excellent compilation of authors who truly know about kundalini — and a few who do not. Good info, but read with discernment.
The Kundalini Guide - Bonnie Greenwell
Bonnie Greenwell is a social scientist who did her Ph.D. on kundalini experiences. Very accessible work to a Western scientist.
Living with Kundalini - Gopi Krisha
Gopi Krishna documented his kundalini experience very rigourously - the authoritative work on the subject for a skeptic.
The Spiritual Awakening Guide - Mary Mueller Shutan
Mary Shutan is a shaman and I recommend this book first to anyone undergoing a spiritual awakening, especially kundalini.