On 8 signs of latent or undiagnosed psychic abilities
Lots of people are mildly psychic and don’t know it. Generally they tend to hide in plain sight. Many Westerners are simply never told that their ability borders on the psychic.
This article was originally titled ‘A psychic jackass’ which is a good self-description but I decided to make it more accessible :). I have articles on the individual psychic abilities and how they present, and advanced articles on coping skills for each ability.
Photo by Mikael Kristenson on Unsplash
"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
— Christian Bible, New Testament
Psi abilities are like genius level IQ. Human abilities like IQ exist on a spectrum, humans can get really smart, but and at some point if they keep going, they tip over into an ability that is beyond space-time. That’s when it can be considered a psi ability.
There is actually a border, just like there is an end to earth atmosphere if a plane flies high enough, when different rules start to take over for locomotion. This article is about breaking atmosphere, and the new rules you’ll have to follow when you do.
What do latent or undiagnosed psi abilities look like?
There is probably much nicer terms for the experience of being-psychic-before-you-are-aware-of-it. But I prefer the term psychic jackass because it’s a healthy way to poke fun at the unwitting behaviors people have before they start following the new rules.
Psychic abilities have a responsibility and an honor code. Many Westerners never learn that they are born with psychic abilities and sometimes they use them without restraint. It’s fine to naively take advantage of your abilities, but if you know then you are responsible. Its very similar to being born privileged and taking more than you need from the world. Get ‘woke’ and get past this phase as quick as you can.
Preadolescents rebel in an unsophisticated fashion. 12-year-old girls giggle. 8-year-old boys tend to have completely inappropriate humor. These are predictably silly and awkward growth phases and we all get through them.
It’s kind to laugh off these coming-of-age developmental phases. It’s also kind to coax someone through them as fast as possible and stop them from being too cruel to anyone else, or being too embarrassed about it after it’s over.
That’s what being a psychic jackass is like. There is a growth phase where you attain psychic abilities, but don’t really know it, and push other people around for a while with the newfound ability before you learn the self-restraint to stop taking advantage of it.
You might be a psychic jackass if any of the following happen to you.
Latent psi ability #1: Telling other people’s secrets
You tend to piss people off by unknowingly talking about things other people would rather keep hidden.
Sometimes this can be as cruel as unwittingly making small talk about someone else’s deepest and most painful secret thinking it has nothing to do with them.
You’re probably subconsciously picking up their thoughts and thinking they are yours. This becomes overt telepathy when it strengthens which makes it easier to know it’s not yours and keep the secret. But in this awkward growth phase when you don’t know you’re doing it you can accidentally really hurt people’s feelings or expose things before they are ready.
For instance some people don’t know they are gay yet, some people don’t talk about painful wounds because it’s triggering and they aren’t ready to cope yet, and some people feel too badly about themselves to face their bad behavior directly.
Just because you can see it, doesn’t mean it needs to be mentioned. A good rule of thumb here is ‘don’t speak ill of other’s injured limbs’.
Latent psi ability #2: Best gifts ever
You have an uncanny sense for the best Christmas gifts ever.
This is a really lovely use of psychic abilities and it can eventually extend to much more overt, subtle, and caring non-corporeal gifts. It’s a really good thing if you have a knack for buying people something inexpensive they truly love.
I highly recommend putting a $10 limit on the gift and shopping for as many people as you can as often as you can to strengthen the ability.
Latent psi ability #3: Winning social deduction games
You have occasionally been too good at social deduction games.
Games like Mafia/Werewolf/Secret Hitler/Liar’s Dice all require people to lie. As your psychic abilities get stronger so does your sense of truth and people will eventually be completely unable to lie to you effectively.
Eventually very strong psychics will refrain from these games altogether either because because to play them is too much like real life with people lying all the time and thinking they have fooled each other. Or because to play them is the same as wearing a sign on your forehead saying “psychic AND dangerous”.
Using psychic abilities in any competitive or exploitive fashion dulls the sense and eventually feels like screeching nails on a chalkboard so strong psychics will also refrain because the game eventually becomes contrary to the ability.
Latent psi ability #4: People think you’re sexually attractive
People tend to find you unfairly physically attractive even when you really objectively aren’t.
Most true psychics will have something in their aura that attracts other people to them. I’ve heard this described in a number of ways. Perhaps one of the most lovely is that you “speak universe” and other people are attracted to a language they remember from childhood but haven’t heard in many years.
This can be exploited unwittingly. Many men who are mildly psychic and unskilled will have a lot of women come on to them and can develop sexual addiction tendencies. Especially since sex with a spiritual power imbalance is wildly unsatisfying.
If this phenomenon is abused, you will dull your senses and halt your spiritual progression. The instant you get a sense that people are responding sexually to a spiritual energy that they do not share you must stop taking advantage of the situation. More on this in the advanced divine love article.
This self-restraint is non-optional and essential to spiritual progression.
Latent psi ability #5: Accidental precog predictions
You tell someone about a weird dream you had, then it comes true and they never talk to you again.
Okay people don’t always get scared and run off but it happens. People are always telling each other weird dreams like hahaha, so funny. But if a psychic participates you can bet it’s going to happen later and then everyone is like “OMG what did you dream about for me????”
So not fun.
Don’t even think of going down the rabbit hole of reading your friends. Just start keeping a dream journal, your dreams are for your spiritual education, not your friends as a party trick.
Don’t abuse this ability and don’t even consider using it for other people until you are waaaaay past this stage.
Latent psi ability #6: You are beyond lucky
Serendipitous things happen to you all the time, and other people comment on your incredible “luck”.
Everyone can manifest, but not everyone can do it to an extreme extent. If it gets extreme then you’re looking at a psychic ability, and importantly, you’re also interfering with other people’s lives.
If you have a spiritual awakenings this ability might come on suddenly. Kundalini awakenings characteristically involve reality starting to bend a bit around the edges. It is really hard at the beginning to tell if you’re just imagining things but if you keep on the path, your friends will start talking about how you are so incredibly ‘lucky’. People will comment on incredible serendipity, etc.
When other people start to comment on the weird coincidences, All. The. Time. you can bet you’re approaching psychic jackass territory. It’s a really good idea at that point to start doing some serious mantras, and psychotherapy so you don’t start manifesting your fears. I highly recommend You’re A Badass for some positive thinking that will keep you alive and on the right track till you can get a grip on the ability. Because when the subconscious starts manifesting in real life it can be a little bit like tripping over your shoelaces.
Basically you need to get to your subconscious fast, and in a good way because it’s going to start running your physical reality a lot more overtly and you want to make sure you dig all the dirt out of it so you don’t beat down all your demons in their full technicolor manifested glory.
At this point spiritual progression becomes a matter of life and death.
Don’t worry, if you’re proactive it’s a pretty short awakening phase.
Latent psi ability #7: You influence people’s thoughts and behavior
If you aren’t careful, people tend to agree with what you want, then later on blame you for having undue influence over them.
Yes, at a certain point on the path you can influence other people’s thinking. Just like those Jedi mind tricks. Don’t even THINK about abusing this ability. The rain of hellfire you will unleash on yourself is NOT worth it.
There is a really lovely phase right before you become aware of this ability, when it seems like people just agree with you all the time. That ends. Usually when people start bitching that you make them do things they didn’t really want to do. And you’re like “Wha??? You seemed totes into it…. I’m so confused…”
The minute you become aware that you can manipulate other people that way, you HAVE to stop. With great power, comes great responsibility, and the second you know you have the power, you become responsible for the effects. Don’t even try to game the universe on this one. The universe isn’t stupid and you can’t game karma.
So this blessed ignorance ends, and responsibility begins. It’s a whole ‘nother level not to fuck with people’s minds and that is where learning to really discern and elicit someone else’s free-will comes in. Remember what I said in Latent psi #2 about selecting gifts? This is a good time to practice that gift selection thing by discerning what people truly need and treating people how they truly want to be treated.
You’re going to have to spend the rest of your life not overpowering the people around you and making sure you don’t interfere with their free will. So put on your big-kid socks, the ones with the big-kid polka dots, and figure out how it’s done.
Latent psi #8: Pissing people off
Last, but definitely not least, some people are deathly afraid of the truth.
If you routinely say things that are true, but other people find intensely unpalatable. You might be pulling universal truths into an arena where they are not welcome.
I don’t mean in a being a jerk way, I mean like in a basic observational way even if they are really kind observations. Some people are deathly afraid of love, afraid of the divine, and afraid of the truth. Let’s try not to bury people in rainbows if they want to be a Scrooge.
Remember that Jesus guy and the angry mob? If we completely ignore the religions that sprang out of it and look at the historical record… What did that guy reputedly do but talk about love, teach universal truths, heal people, and feed them? Divine love is not always welcome in the world even if it’s a really good thing.
Some people really are terrified to lose their illusions of fear, suffering, and death. It’s important to realize that it’s not your place to wake other people up. It’s your place to wake yourself up. That has to be the real deal not cohersion, but real love.
Love is not pushy, and love is patient.
If you are pissing people off take a step back, get some space, access the divine and find the love. It is totally okay, and very much expected to have to change jobs, change friends, and change communication patterns so you can go to a place where divine love is welcome, and not disruptive to what the collective wants. Remember other people need to be able to make shitty choices, and get shitty feelings and consequences, so they learn to make better choices. You can’t just break the chicken out of the egg, it has to struggle its way out.
If you suddenly start blasting divine love, you will find the right setting, but the best way to do that is not to push anyone to knowledge, or experiences they are afraid of or not ready for.
Latent or undiagnosed psychic abilities conclusion
I really hope this article is helpful. Personally I had a much longer period in the Psychic Jackass stage than I would ever wish on anyone. Everything in the list is just an awkward developmental phase and it takes a little practice and some overt acknowledgement that something otherworldly is happening but anyone can easily move past it and get onto the good stuff.
It gets better.
I promise.
My best.