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The Concept of Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Photo by USGS on Unsplash

The life work of psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is on the positive-psychology concept of ‘flow” which I equate with the spiritual practice of Wu Wei, or the discipline of finding and following the Tao in everyday life.

It’s summarized this book chapter called The Concept of Flow. And also in this Ted Talk on the same topic.

I really love MC’s work though because it’s acceptable to scientists, skeptics, and atheists and I don’t really care where people start on this path, because they all end up in the same place.

Nakamura, J., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2014). The concept of flow. In Flow and the foundations of positive psychology (pp. 239-263). Springer, Dordrecht.